فاعلية برنامج GeoGebra في التحصيل وعادات العقل لدى طالبات الصف الثاني متوسط في الرياضيات


  • عبدالواحد حميدالكبيسي
  • نادية صبري العاملي


فاعلية برنامج GeoGebra في التحصيل وعادات العقل


This study aims to find the effectiveness of GeoGebra software in the achievement and habits of mind of eighth grade female students.

The research sample consisted of (62) students and divided into two groups.  The first one is the experimental group (35 students) and it was taught using GeoGebra software, and the second group is the standard group (27 students) and it was taught using the traditional method of teaching. Two multiple-choice-question tests were prepared, one of them tests the achievement (40 paragraphs) and the other tests the habits of mind (24 paragraphs) and comprises four habits of mind according to Costa and Kallick classification, which are (Thinking flexibly, Thinking interdependently, Thinking about thinking, and Applying past knowledge). Psychometric characteristics of both tests were validated and appropriate statistical means were used. The results showed the superiority of the experimental group in the achievement and habits of mind tests compared to the control group.





