المعتقدات المعرفية لدى طلبة المدارس الثانوية للمتميزين


  • Suhaila Abdul Rida الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية / قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية
  • همام رزاق حمود الجامعة المستنصرية / كلية التربية / قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية


المعتقدات المعرفية لدى طلبة المدارس الثانوية


The current search is determined by the students of the preparatory stage in the talented schools in the province of Baghdad Rusafa Educational Directorates (first, second, third) and Educational Directorates Karkh (first, second, third) of both sexes(male, female)and for fourth, fifth and sixth classes.

            The researcher reviewed a number of theories that addressed the variables of the research, and to achieve the objectives of the research, The researcher used the foreign measure (Schommer) to measure the Epistemological Beliefs, which is to be finalized (49) items. The researcher translates the research and extract sincerity translator has to make it appropriate for the environment of Iraq. This has been achieved for the two measures to extract the discriminatory power and honesty virtual and structural, and stability in two ways Alvakronbach way and in a Re-Test way. The two scales were applied as orally final sample on (400) students.

In light of these results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and suggestions for future research.





