الوحده النفسية وعلاقتها بالحاجات النفسية عند موظفي جامعة بغداد
الوحده النفسية , الحاجات النفسية , موظفي جامعة بغدادAbstract
It is certain that thepsychologicalunity, is awidespread status among individuals of the human race, to the extent that it became -in fact- the unlimited presenttruth in our daily lives,in all cases it found in all stages of life, which is generally considered
an essential access to understand all the psychological phenomena, and that any defects or problems that could hinder the individual from achieving its natural social interaction, may lead him to enter the circle of social and psychological disorders, if not find a proper guidance and understanding his needs and problems,naturally , if we want to give the employee a safe environment so he can be psychological and socially adapted through it, we must identify his problems and needs and specially hispsychologicalneeds and obstacles to satisfy them, because the failure to satisfy the psychological needs generate to the individual the tensions and psychological stressors lead to disorder in psychological health, which may cause failure in the performance of his career to the fullest, and make him unable to get natural adaptation with himself and his environment.
The following research objectives havebeen set :
- Building a measure of the psychological unityof Baghdad University staff.
- Building a measure of the psychological needs of Baghdad University staff.
- Identificationof the level of psychological unity of BaghdadUniversitystaff.
- Identificationof the level of the psychological needs of Baghdad University staff.
- Identificationof the relationship of psychological needs with psychological unity among Baghdad University staff.
6.Identification of the order of the psychological needs ofBaghdad University staff.
The research sample containing (400) employees -malesand females- at the University of Baghdad, were selected randomly, andthe paragraphs scale psychological unity in its final form have been prepared of (55) paragraphs, and the preparation of the paragraphs of standard psychological needs of the staff of the University of Baghdad after identifying areas of the scale of (7) areas, the phrases have been distributed on them the paragraphs have been distributed on the areas, and thus a whole of the total number of itemsbecome (80) paragraphs.
- The results of the first and the second objective indicate to the effectiveness of the psychological unity measure and the psychological needs measure of the staff of the University of Baghdad in the measurement and extracting the results by multiple statistical methods.
- The results of the third objectiveindicate to the presence of a high proportion of university staff with a high level of psychological unityand the amount (41%) and percentage (30%) of those with mid-level and the percentage (29%) of those with a low level of psychological unity.
- The result of the fourth objectiveshowed the presence of a high proportion of university staff with a high level of psychological needs and the amount (37%) and the proportion (32%) with the average level of psychological needs and the proportion (31%) of those with low level of psychological needs.
- The result of thefive objective showed the presence of a relationship between the psychological unity and the psychological needs of Baghdad University staff.
- The results of this objective indicate that there are some psychological needs require to satisfy them, since they take priority in the order of the staff, which got percentages between (96.25 to 75%), and they representing a high proportion as the researcher thinks.