Associate Professor of Curricula and Science Teaching Methods - Department of Curriculum and Educational Technologies - College of Humanities and Social Sciences Northern Border University - KSA


  • Mubarak Ghadeer ALenezi


effectiveness, active learning program, faculty members, northern border university


The study aims to identify the effectiveness of a proposed training program based on active learning strategies in developing the teaching performance of faculty members in the College of Science at Northern Border University. The study adopted an experimental approach based on a quasi-experimental design for one group with two applications (pre- and post-). The study materials and tools were: a proposed training program based on active learning strategies and a questionnaire to develop the teaching performance of faculty members in the three dimensions (planning, implementation, and evaluation); After ensuring their validity and reliability, The program and tool were applied to the study sample of 30 faculty members in the two departments (Physics and Chemistry) of the total study population (37). The results showed statistically significant differences at the level of (0.01) between the average scores of the sample members in the pre- and post-applications of the teaching performance questionnaire, in favor of the post-application. The effect size of the proposed training program was large in the total score and in each dimension separately. There were no statistically significant differences between the responses of the sample members due to the variables gender, specialization, and years of experience. Among the most prominent recommendations of the study was establishing a specialized training center to support the teaching practices of faculty members in aspects (planning, implementation, and evaluation) and holding periodic meetings for members of the same specialty to determine their necessary training needs and develop their teaching performance.





