مدى ممارسة الطلبة المطبقين في اقسام الجغرافية للمهارات اللازمة للتدريس


  • layth Hamoode Ibrahem جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية ابن رشد


مدى ممارسة الطلبة المطبقين في اقسام الجغرافية


The study aimed at detecting the extent of the practice of students Almtbakan skills crisis to teach in geographical sections of the Colleges of Education Baghdad University. The current research was limited to students in the fourth stage geographical divisions in the Faculties of Education for Girls and Ibn Rushd / Baghdad University for the academic year 2013-2014.

The View Finder methodology of the study and procedures, explaining the method used to obtain the data and information to achieve the goal of the search, and used the questionnaire and the way to achieve the goal of the research, as it was prepared based on the views of the exploratory and literature and previous studies and the experience of the researcher sample was confirmed by a researcher from the sincerity of the questionnaire, using the virtual honesty, and so submitting it to a group of experts and arbitrators .ardt results were interpreted as the researcher displays the results according to the three areas (lesson planning. implementation of the lesson. the calendar). And then interpreted the results according to each area. And the development of a researcher processors. Then put the recommendations and proposals






