دور الاسرة العراقية في غرس المنظومة القيمية لدى ابنائها


  • كواكب صالح حميد قسم الخدمة الاجتماعية /كلية التربية للبنات / جامعة بغداد


الاسرة العراقية , المنظومة القيمية


The family is e Social first come into contact with filial friction direct and continuing as is the social environment the first to grow the patterns of socialization that make up the life of the individual in the future , especially in forming the personality of both social and cultural , the family's work to lay the foundations of standards called the system value , which is ( religious teachings - customs - traditions - norms ) and is on its way interaction values ​​between family members as well as the transfer of expertise , knowledge and models of behavioral by parents to their children , which will be in accordance with the type of interactions and social relations is also affected development of emotional , emotional and committed to their value and trends as standards social behavior prevailing , Velamina receive the prevailing values ​​and norms in their community with the sort what is good and acceptable and what is bad and unacceptable .
The study included several chapters , as follows
• Introduction
• the first quarter - the basic elements of Search
• Chapter II - the relationship between the concept of values
​​and some basic concepts
• Chapter III - values
​​in society
• Chapter IV - socialization and value system
• Chapter V - the nature and methodology of the study
• Chapter VI : - the findings and recommendations and proposals






