جودة القرار الإداري وعلاقته بالتفكير الإبداعي لدى المشرفين التربويين والاختصاصيين


  • رعـد خلـف عطيـه وزارة التربية


جودة القرار الإداري , التفكير الإبداعي , المشرفين التربويين والاختصاصيين


The success of administrative work on a range of skills and the most important of those skills is a process of decision-making and creative thinking, because for them a role in the success of the administrative process, and highlights the importance more in the field of education of the importance of that area being Atamaml with human capital, so aims Current search toLearn 1. Quality of administrative decision for educational supervisors and specialists. 2. Creative thinking for educational supervisors and specialists. 3. The relationship between the quality of administrative decision and creative thinking and for educational supervisors To achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher construction of two questionnaires, the first to see the quality of the administrative decision and corrupted (47), paragraph, and the second questionnaire to learn creative thinking, and consisted of (48) has been verified paragraph of virtual honesty of the two questionnaires. As well as consistency has been verified questionnaires. The treatment has statistical program (SPSS). And current research sample consisted of (177) educational supervisors and specialists. researcher has reached the following results : 1. Possession of supervisors and specialists to the skill of the administrative decision. 2. Possession of supervisors and specialists to creative thinking skill. 3. There is a correlation between the quality of administrative decision and creative thinking





