القلق الأخلاقي وعلاقته بالتوجه الديني(الجوهري-الظاهري) لدى طلبة كلية التربية ابن رشد


  • حسن علي سيد جامعة بغداد-كلية التربية-ابن رشد


القلق الأخلاقي وعلاقته بالتوجه الديني


The current research aimed to identify the level of moral anxiete and its relationship to religious orientation (lntrinsic - extrinsic) to Dytalbp Faculty of Education, Ibn Rushd, as the research sample consisted of (180) students from the Faculty of Education, Ibn Rushd - University of Baghdad, for the purpose of achieving the goals of research used two instruments, the first tool to measure the moral concern has been prepared by the researcher consisted of (22) paragraph second tool is a measure of religious orientation, prepared by (Araji 2007), which consists of (38) paragraph religious orientation (lntrinsic - extrinsic) has been adopted in the current research,  researcher used Addinm statistical methods was the most important.t- test formala for one sample and the Pearson correlation coefficient, research found several results that were most important that students research sample suffering from a moral anxiete, and they enjoy substantial religious ntrinsic, as well as research found that also to the existence of an inverse relationship between the statistically significant moral anxiete and religious orientation is extrinsic, in the sense that the higher level of anxiety decreased the level of moral religious orientation is extrinsic the research sample, and vice versa, and there is concern the relationship between moral orientation and the virtual, and in light of the results, the researcher some of the recommendation sand proposals





