القيادة الاستراتيجية المحددة لفاعلية الادارة العليا في جامعة النهرين


  • Ahmed Ali Mohammed كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة/ ابن الهيثم قسم العلوم التربوية والنفسية / وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي


القيادة الاستراتيجية المحددة لفاعلية الادارة العليا


Advantage of the science of management for a lot of other sciences vitality and openness to the rest of the science and knowledge of the various branches fields, and at the same time, overlapping and intermingling majora between the various branches of administration and specialties, and based on this fact, the idea of this research to come out of one of the important topics with two topics of vital in the field of strategic management, namely patterns Strategic Command, and the effectiveness of senior management teams. I've seen the science of management, particularly in the field of strategic management, large shifts and changes, especially in the last two decades, as the RPR Strategic Management rich field of research and the emergence of other theories and refute. In the last decade researchers have begun to care greatly summit pyramid organization, namely the strategic leadership, as one of the key determinants of the success of contemporary organizations. Not even the most important element, especially in lost successive changes in the third millennium. The researchers sought towards the study of the most important factors affecting the strategic leadership, and how to make the most of this leadership, and how to develop and upgrading, as well as the transfer of leadership from individual leadership to the collective leadership under the name of what is known as a team of senior management, it started a lot of specialists tend, in the largest group of strategic leadership towards rather than relying on a single individual as a leader strategically unite the organization. As a result of this shift, new problems was how the formation of this team, and what are the factors it has emerged. Hence this study was to examine the effect of strategic leadership and effectiveness of senior management teams, and the rationale for the research regarding the dilemma of intellectual study represented leadership and strategic effectiveness of senior leadership and attempt to explain part of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the team and its ability to achieve its objectives, and other reasons related to the field of the problem and of Clearly, weakness in the performance of strategic leadership in the Iraqi environment. In order to achieve the objectives of the present research the current study came through the research problem and its significance precisely the terms contained (strategic leadership and senior management) and to clarify the theoretical area of vocabulary research and theories of his own previous studies, but in practice has been adopted two measures referred to in line with the nature of the variables Find and appointed and achieve the objectives of research that appeared clear in the search results.





