القيم السائدة في قصص الاطفال الكردية


  • abd- alazez haedar housaen قسم التربية وعلم النفس جامعة القادسية
  • ali naser farhan مركز البحوث التربوية والنفسية جامعة بغداد
  • olowm mohamed ali قسم التربية وعلم النفس جامعة صلاح الدين


القيم السائدة


The goal of the research is to identify prevailing values in Kurdish children’s stories, and statistically significant differences between groups. In the theoretical framework, the definitions of values are reviewed. Furthermore, a range of previous studies were offered, with the most important findings.
To achieve the goals of this research, an amount of 14 Kurdish children’s must be analyzed. The selected Kurdish children’s stories must be translated to Arabic conform the classification ’White’.  After confirming the stability of this tool, the researcher reached the following results:

The cognitive and physical values received the highest ratios, while the moral, practical, patriotic and nationalistic values received the lowest. The researcher also found that there are statistically significant differences between repeating the note and expected frequencies in the totals for physical and recreational values.

The researchers believe that this result was consistent with the fact that knowledge is the basis of building cognitive levels, and that the writers gave importance to that aspect. Also, physical values at such a high rank are in harmony with the nature of childhood, characterized by activity and vitality. As a addition to another fact, related to the geographical nature of the Kurdish region, which is characterized by the mountains and the valleys, which require high physical energy to survive it.





