استراتيجية الاكتشاف الموجه وأثرها في مهارات التواصل الرياضي


  • سحر جبار داود الباسري مديرية تربية بغداد / الرصافة 2/طرائق تدريس الرياضيات
  • عبد الواحد محمود محمد الكنعاني مركز علوم البحار – جامعة البصرة / طرائق تدريس الرياضيات / قسم البحث والتطوير
  • حسن كامل رسن الكناني كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة ابن الهيثم / طرائق تدريس الرياضيات


استراتيجية الاكتشاف الموجه , مهارات التواصل الرياضي


  • Aim of the current research is to know the impact of guided discovery strategy sports communication skills among students in first grade average in mathematics.
  • , Consisted sample of (58) a student from a school Baghdad Rusafa, divided in two groups, one experimental studied according to strategy discovery The second group studied the traditional way, the researchers built search tool (test communication skills sports), and using a number of statistical methods including : -
  • Test (t - test) was used to independent samples to examine the match Mediterranean experimental and control groups and tested Levin (Leven - test) was used to test the homogeneity of variance for the control group and the experimental, testing Kolmkrov - Samir Nov to check the quality of the normal distribution of data and test (Mann - Whitney) to examine the match decisions differences between pre and post test for the two experimental and control groups, was reached following results:
  • 1) than the experimental group that studied the strategy of guided discovery in mathematical communication skills test as a whole.
  • 2) than the experimental group that studied the strategy of guided discovery in the sports communication skills both on alone.





