تقويم اسئلة كتاب الكيمياء للصف الرابع العلمي وفقا لتصنيف جالاجر وآشنر


  • نغم هادي عبدالامير جامعة بغداد /قسم الشؤون الادارية
  • موفق عبدالزهرة عبدالرضا جامعة بغداد /قسم الشؤون الادارية


evaluating questions


The research aims to evaluate the current book chemistry fourth grade scientific questions on the classification according to Gallagher And Aschner levels of its four reflexion A cognitive thinking, thinking Convergent , Divergent thinking and osteopathic thinking and evaluating those questions in terms of standards of honesty, inclusiveness and objectivity . The research sample included a book of chemistry for fourth grade scientific for the academic year  (2016 - 2017), the same research community and the number of sub - prime questions amounted to (354) Question distributed to the chapters of the book adult (6) chapters, the researchers ends of chapters by classification questions by finding the relative weight of the areas of content The book and determine the relative weight of the classification Gallagher And Aschner And find The proportion of objective questions and essay for each chapter of the comic book in August and determine the inclusion of questions goals And content Find content and extent of sincerity through Compared to the expected schedule specifications questions schedule specifications observed, and in the light of Nita c researchers concluded that the rate of cognitive thinking (78,25%) and the proportion of Convergent thinking (21,75%) While we did not find any proportion of higher - level thinking (divergent and Osteopathic) , The percentage of essay questions (81,36%) and objective questions (18,64%) and the percentage of coverage Good as it was (95,67%) The value of the content sincerity coefficient was very weak, amounting to (0,411), and in light of the findings , the researchers recommended several research recommendations , including: the need to prepare questions from the ends of the chapters in the book according to the levels of classification Gallagher And Aschner Which digs higher levels of thinking in students taking into account the criteria of objectivity, comprehensiveness and honesty And researchers suggested several proposals , including: conducting studies  of similar questions to the ends of the chapters of scientific books and other materials.       





