مدى ممارسة الأستاذ الجامعي للادواره التربوية والبحثية وخدمة المجتمع بصورة شاملة


  • ليث حمودي إبراهيم جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية للبنات


الأستاذ الجامعي , الادوار التربوية والبحثية وخدمة المجتمع


Any survey for the reality of the higher education in Iraq would show the defects that the education suffers from, especially those connected to the role of the college teacher.  Concerning teaching styles, they are still those common traditional ones, with clear negligence of the developed technological styles. As for the scientific research, it is very rare to find researches that deal with social problems. It is clear that there is an almost a total separation between universities and social organization.

Therefore, the current study aims at identifying the extent to which the teachers of the colleges are performing their role in the educational, scientific, and social services domains thoroughly.

The researcher has presented the specific system of the study and its procedures, clarifying the used system for obtaining data and information to achieve the aim of the study. The questionnaire is used to achieve the aim of the study.

The results are shown and analyzed. The researcher presented the results according to the scales of the questionnaire. Then these results are analyzed and the researcher has put the remedies. Then the study is concluded with specific recommendations and suggestions for developing the role of the teachers of the colleges thoroughly.  





