اتجاهات مديرات الرياض نحو الاساليب التربوية المتبعة من قبل المعلمات مع اطفال الروضة


  • زهراء زيد شفيق جامعة بغداد/ كلية التربية للبنات قسم رياض الاطفال


اتجاهات مديرات الرياض ,الاساليب التربوية , اطفال الروضة


The aim of the research to show the direction of kindergarten‘s
headmasters with students and know the educational technique used by
the teachers with students inside kindergarten , also to know the
differences of headmasters directions towards these technique
according to changing of social state (married , unmarried ) and age
state (30-38) (39-47) (48-56) .
Also shows the sign among the direction of head masters and
educational technique used by teachers with student, where as the
importance of this research shows the importance of the kindergarten
stage and the importance of management .
The role of headmaster and teacher consider the relationship between
them and the mother so that this origin direction shows the success of
this mission connect of providing the principle conditions of
kindergarten‘s management to choice the good simples then preparing
them in scientific way to success in this mission , but the researcher
show the research‘s problem from exploration study between
headmaster and teacher and from these simple experiments of
researcher after using (T) test with two samples , Berson‘s coefficient
connect and (T)test with one sample . the researcher reach to :-
The headmasters have positive direction towards the educational
technique used by the teacher towards student also there is no clear
point towards the social state (married , un married ) , but there is clear
point to the age state (30-38) (39-47) (48-56) and the favorite is
For the educational style the teacher used forgiven style more than
other one . so the researcher reach to suggestion used to benefit of
educational activity inside and outside kindergarten





