Self-determintion and Emotional Experience and their Relationship with achievement striving for the college Students
Self-determintion and Emotional ExperienceAbstract
Human beings have an innate and natural aim to achieve their self-interests and to show their ability to overcome challenges in a better way, therefore the move towards self determination is expressed by intrinsic motivation. The desire of absorbing in this task is to enjoy the task in it self and benefitting from it such a motivation is the desire rooted in human nature to judge and choose in which individual is conscious in his self, abilities and adequacy that help him in control the different situations of life passed by him. His choices and actions are voluntary and non-restricted to intervention or external control because control is inner and subjective, while his behavior is self-regulated with the feeling of independence, that is the feeling of psychological freedom and the motivation of self-determination. with this independence, human being enjoys power and psychological health as they are necessary for health , integration and happiness. Self –determination is regarded as humane , civilized and social phenomenom whose association indicating positively self-wellbeing , general health, creativity and achievement in most fields of active life. The importance of self-determination required its study and acquainting with it and the emotional experience and their relationship with achievement striving.
The present research aims to:
- Acquainting with self-determination for the college students.
- Acquainting with emotional experience for the college students.
- Acquainting with achievement striving for the college students.
- Acquainting with the significance differences in self-determination for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females” and major “scientific,humanistic”
- Acquainting with the significant differences in emotional experience for the college students according to two variables :gender “males, females” and major “scientific , humanistic”
- Acquainting with the significant differences in achievement striving for the college students according to two variables : gender “males, females “ major “scientific , humanistic”
- The extent of contribution of self-determination and emotional experience in total variance of achievement striving for the college students.
To achieve the research aims, the researcher built three scales for the present research and verified their valdity and analysed their items statistically on a sample consisting of 600 male and female college students to find discriminate power and validity for their items.
The reliability of scales was computed by the re-test way and cronbach’s alpha.
After completing of scales ‘ building , they were applied on the researcher’s main sample
‘400 male and female students” . having collected the data and processed them statistically, the researcher reached several findings , the most important of them as follows:
- The mean of self-determination degrees for the research sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high self-determination.
- The mean of emotional experience degrees for the sample was higher than the hypothetical mean and that indicates that sample subjects have high emotional experience.
- The mean of achievement striving degrees was higher than the sample have high motivation for achievement striving .
In the light of these findings and as completion for the fields associated with the present resarch, and the researcher recommended several of recommends as she suggested conducting several scientific studies and researches.