Developing a Measurement Skills Test for Kindergarten Children


  • Baraa FalahHasanMadi
  • Meyada AsaadMussa


measurement skills, kindergarten children


This research aims to develop a measurement skills test for kindergarten children to enhance their mental learning abilities. The test is based on a combination of Piaget's cognitive development theory and Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. It consists of 30 key items, with each skill comprising 5 sub-items. In addition, the test instructions are designed using specific pictures for each skill to measure the learning abilities of kindergarten children. The test was conducted on a random sample to ensure the clarity of the instructions and control the duration needed for the test. The test items were analyzed statistically after being applied individually to a sample of 400 boys and girls aged 4-5 and 5-6 years. They were selected using a random staged method with proportional distribution from the six districts of Baghdad Education. Accordingly, the results of the basic and sub-measurement skills tests were proven to be valid. The test's reliability was estimated using the internal consistency method with the Keuder-Richardson equation (20). The standard error of measurement was also determined using the standard error equation. Accordingly, this study recommends using specific test instructions and images to measure kindergarten skills in other education districts





