The use of the husband of violence against his wife who is a kindergarten teacher


  • سوزان عبدالله محمد جامعة بغداد / كلية التربية للبنات


استخدام الزوج للعنف , المعلمة في رياض الاطفال


Wives generally and working wives especially may encounter in some
families forms of physical or psychological violence through all the
levels or whether it was a psychological intimidation or cursing and
insolence and detracting her human . value and the husband marries
another woman or uses physical abuse against her and beating and
sexual abuse of the wife are also included in this from . it is noticed that
the violent attitude of the husband may take one from or it may change
and alter with time for it might lead to the increase of the possibility of
violence to occur in different ways
The importance of this study comes out from the step that on which in
folds the problem of the use of the husband of violence against his wife
who is a kindergarten teacher considering that this problem is an
indicator for happening so many splits and contradictions and tension
inside the family range .in view of what this problem attaches to the
family of destroying affects on the families members especially the wife
and the children.
Conclusions :
1.the kindergarten teacher suffer a high levele of marital violence
2.the phenomenon of physical violence spreads in a larger range than
the verbal violence and this spread becomes clear generally on the
husbands level of educationl ,the kind of his job ,the sex of the children
and the wifes habitation





